- March 6, 2024: Minggao Liang wins a Poster Award at the RIKEN IMS Annual Retreat. Congratulations!
- June 27, 2019: Saumya Agrawal wins the Best Poster Award at the 13th International Workshop on Advanced Genomics (13AWG). Congratulations!
- September 5, 2018: Dongyan Lin wins the best poster award at the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium held by the Department of Cell & System Biology at the University of Toronto for her poster on her summer research work at RIKEN. Congratulations!
- June 5, 2018: Receiving the RIKEN BAIHO Award (RIKEN Excellent Achievement Award) from RIKEN President Hiroshi Matsumoto for the creation of a comprehensive expression atlas of miRNAs and their promoters in the FANTOM5 project
- March 15, 2018: Saumya Agrawal wins a HGM2018 Poster Award at the Human Genome Meeting 2018! Here is a photo of Saumya receiving a letter of appreciation for this award from RIKEN President Hiroshi Matsumoto.
- March 15, 2018: Jordan Ramilowski receives a HGM2018 Poster Award from Senior Editor Catherine Potenski of Nature Research at the Human Genome Meeting 2018, and a letter of appreciation for this award from RIKEN President Hiroshi Matsumoto.